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Muskrat signals
By Mel Liston*
I started my trapping career as a kid nearly fifty years ago,
catching muskrat out of the farm pond on our family property in Maine.
Dad had spent a lot of money to make that pond which was flooded before
it was completed by a 160 mph category 5 hurricane named Donna. I
remember it well, for I have a sister of the same name, but with a much
better disposition. Dug out in the shape of a half moon with a brook
feeding in and held back by an earthen dam, our pond was stocked with
catfish, bass, and bluegill. We planted water lilies in the shallows and
shade trees on the far bank. All the wildlife in the area frequented the
pond and from time to time some would stay for a season or two. There
were always muskrat swimming about as they were common both up and
downstream in the watershed. The muskrat had the nasty habit of
constantly digging tunnels beneath the banking or into the earth filled
dam, causing considerable erosion and structural weakness to the design.
It became my job to trap and remove problem muskrat on a fairly regular
basis. It was through this early experience with trapping and the
associated observation of animals in their habitat that my appetite for
all things natural was whetted.
During the ensuing years a considerable amount of change has taken
place in all things under my observation, and most certainly the natural
world as well has been quite dynamic. The nature of the forest habitat
has changed significantly as has the numbers and blend of critters found
within. Once the forest was quite variable, now it is much more
homogeneous. The strip lots, brush, slab, and sawdust piles, so common
in my youth are mostly gone now. The abandoned farms with the untended
fields, orchards, and grape arbors have been swallowed up by the seasons
of fallen leaves and choked out by dominant native timber. The preferred
habitat of many species is all but gone while the competition from or
predation of different species is making its play. Many parcels of
choice habitat are lost to development and considerably more is impacted
by its proximity to the same. Roads criss-cross everything, constantly
dividing the land into smaller and smaller lots. The adventure of a
backcountry ride has faded with that era of the old dirt roads as they
are mostly paved now. Yet in spite of all this change we seem to have an
expanding biodiversity while some traditional species decline or just
hang on.
Recently I found myself leaning over the back of a pickup truck
involved in conversation with a group of concerned trappers who were
discussing the plight of the muskrat. We were all in agreement that
muskrat populations had been in a long decline and we were taking turns
expressing our theories as to just what has changed to prevent the
customary population explosions which are typical of this species. The
muskrat is a very interesting animal if you take the time to study them
and I could go on for quite a spell about some of their very unique
attributes for survival, but the most important gift they were given by
Ole Ma Nature was prolific reproduction. These rodents are truly good at
math for they do know how to multiply. Muskrat breed from late winter
through late summer and can have three births in that period with four
to seven per litter. Often the first born of the spring will mature in
time to also produce a litter by fall. Conceivably a population of two could multiply to about
fifty in six months time if the survival rate was
very high. So what is keeping this animal from reaching its population
potential? That is the question that trappers are pondering all over the
country and we sure do wish that the wildlife biologists would take an
interest also. It is doubtful that the muskrat that are in the habitat
would not breed when in season, so the problem has to be one of two
basic scenarios. Either #1; The population that is born is being
decimated by some combination of predation, disease, and starvation or
#2; the reproductive ability of the species is being impacted by an
environmental variable such as a heavy metal or other toxin.
The muskrat population would normally overpopulate in regular cycles
and die off due to starvation or disease. Historically this inevitable
population increase has been little impacted by harvest through trapping
so that the cycles were evident over a long period of time. There has
been a significant increase in the type and variety of predators that
prey on muskrat but the primary predator has always been the mink, so
that their populations rise and fall together. There is some speculation
that the increasing numbers of owls, hawks and other birds of prey may
be a significant element or that coyotes may be involved in preventing a
rebound in the muskrat population. Much of the wetland habitat is still
available but perhaps it is impacted by road runoff or changes in
agricultural practices. Maybe there is some new disease throughout the
muskrat population that has not yet been identified, or maybe an
environmental pollutant is genetically impacting the reproductive
capability. The one thing I know for sure as a trapper and someone who
observes changes in nature is that the muskrat is signaling that
something significant has happened. It would be best if we could find a
way to get beyond speculation and more toward knowledge. This is a topic
crying out for attention. This is a notice that something significant
has happened. To ignore such signs and signals is to do so at our own
*Mel Liston, from Strafford, New Hampshire is
a freelance writer, Trapper Education Instructor, Director for the New
Hampshire Trappers Association and a member of the National Trappers Association
and the Fur Takers of America.

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