Joined: 25 Dec 2007, 23:33 Posts: 10213 Location: Alberta, Canada
Saw something yesterday that made me chuckle. I was spraying a 960 acre field of spring wheat and had four hawks helping with rodent control. Them fellas just glide along above me waiting for something to move cause it is scared by the machine. They caught many mice, one duck that was interesting too cause the hawk sure made a dust cloud catching her. It couldn't lift it off the ground and as I was going to go over them the hawk kinda/sorta drug it right into a little pot hole to get away from me. I ain't never seen a hawk standing neck deep in water before. Then as I went around the pot hole I spooked a little skunk out and as it shuffled off I saw another hawk went diving at it. This was new to me too as I watched the hawk dive it got within like 10 feet and all of a sudden diverted it's attack rapidly and slammed into the ground 6 feet from the skunk. It was like a human when it straightened up cause I swear it used it's wing to wipe it's brow in a "Whew I got lucky way". I think the bird realized at the last second what it was about to pounce on and had maybe had a bad experience before. Then when I was loaded on the trailer and headed out of the customers yard, my lad Bob had the customer with him in the pickup in front of me. As they went by the barn the doors of the truck flew open and Bob emerged with my .22 and was running after the land owner. Now I've wanted to shoot that SOB too but this was interesting turn of events. When they got to the corral fence up comes the gun and I hear three pops. As I idle by the land owner gives me two thumbs up cause there are 2 dead skunks in the middle of the pen. Life is good when you can go to shooting in a fellows yard 60 miles from home and get a thumbs up for it.