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 Post subject: any Maine trappers??
PostPosted: 20 Mar 2011, 20:41 
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Joined: 08 Jan 2011, 18:29
Posts: 6
Hey guy's this is Marc Williams...(aka) coyote-marc..everyone uses screen names so i don't know anyones name, but is there anyone on here that knows me?? or i know them??? marc Etna,ME...i'm on trapper man-Marc Williams...anyways anyone from Maine have a good season this year??? if anyone has any questions on local fur prices let me know, been to 2 auctions this weekend, sold some fur

 Post subject: Re: any Maine trappers??
PostPosted: 26 Jan 2012, 09:34 
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Joined: 22 Jan 2012, 09:20
Posts: 245
Location: Salem, MA
Hello coyote-marc. Im from MA but looking to do some trapping in ME next season for sure. Have access to land in Beddington,ME at our hunting camp so. Be getting a lot more involved in this once I return stateside from afghanistan in a couple months. Good luck out there and maybe we will get together some day up there ; )

"Survival is Not mandatory. You are free to die anytime you wish." (Norseman)
Catches to date:
Beaver - 5
Coyote -
Bobcat -
Fox -
Mink -
Muskrat -
Marten -
Fisher -
Grinners -
Stinkers -
Fingers - 2 (good thing it was only a 110 lol)

 Post subject: Re: any Maine trappers??
PostPosted: 27 Jan 2012, 20:38 

Joined: 11 Nov 2011, 19:02
Posts: 37
Location: Northern Maine
Marc, We are from Northern Maine. Our fisher and marten season was horrible at best. We tried a new way of hanging our traps Iam not done with it yet but will modify it for next year. We tried a new lure and I thought that was the problem so we went back to making our own. Once the snow hit we could see where critters came to the sets and spent a considerable amount of time around them but no luck.

At Least the beaver are cooperating! Next year I am going to spend more time for beaver and otter and probably less of the marten trapping.

 Post subject: Re: any Maine trappers??
PostPosted: 13 Feb 2012, 23:46 
Forum not-so-Newbie
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Joined: 02 Feb 2012, 20:51
Posts: 14
Location: Maine
I'm north of ya. Not trapped in quite awhile but plan to hit it a little this fall if all goes well.

 Post subject: Re: any Maine trappers??
PostPosted: 15 May 2012, 18:43 
Forum not-so-Newbie
Forum not-so-Newbie

Joined: 14 Jun 2009, 09:59
Posts: 17
Location: Maine
I haved been away from trapping for a year or so, but I now I am back ready to jump into the game again. I am surprised my account is still active after so long. I trap as a hobby and managed to take a few muskrats at the end of the season this year in a half-hearted effort. Not sure if we've ever cross paths Marc, but I used to do a lot of hunting and trapping in Dixmont before I stopped.

"I don't have a raccoon stretcher that big. I guess I could make one out of cardboard."

 Post subject: Re: any Maine trappers??
PostPosted: 29 Oct 2014, 18:28 
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Joined: 28 Oct 2014, 20:38
Posts: 3
Location: Downcast Maine
Maine trapper here from the coast.

2014-2015 season
9 Beaver
3 Otter
3 Muskrat
1 Mink

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